Marina Duty Officer 07867 580129 (outside office hours)
02080 260890 (during office hours Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm & Sat-Sun 10am to 4pm)
Northampton Marina Site Rules
These Site Rules apply to all berth holders, their visitors and visiting boats. Failure to comply with any of the Rules is a breach of Mooring Terms and Conditions. Visitors and visiting boats that breach these rules will be required to leave immediately. Regular, significant, persistent or continual breach of Site Rules or Mooring Terms and Conditions will result in the termination of your Mooring Licence. We also reserve the right not to renew a mooring agreement in these circumstances. The Site Officer will determine if Site Rules have been breached.
1. All marina users and their visitors must respect and pay due regard to all other Moorers, staff, contractors and visitors on site. Aggressive, threatening, or inappropriate behaviour, either physical or verbal, will not be tolerated and could result in the termination of your mooring agreement and the removal of your vessel. Instances that are deemed of a serious nature will be reported to the police.
2. The display of inappropriate, unsightly or offensive material is prohibited.
3. No generators are to be used on site. All berths have electric hook-ups.
4. No apparatus or machinery shall be operated within the marina as to cause danger, nuisance or annoyance to any other users of the moorings or to any person residing in the vicinity. No such apparatus or machinery to be used between the hours of 8pm to 8am.
5. No radios or televisions shall be operated within the marina as to cause nuisance or annoyance to any other users of the moorings or persons residing in the vicinity, at any time.
6. All vessels, including visiting boats, moored within the marina must clearly display a valid vessel registration disc and the vessel name and registration number at all times. Vessels registered under a houseboat or commercial tariff are not permitted to moor in the marina.
7. Over-night/visiting boats must vacate the marina by 2pm on the day of departure. Any boat staying later than 2pm will be required to pay a further fee equivalent to that of an over-night fee.
8. If you hold a Mixed Use Mooring Licence you must remove your boat from the marina for 4 weeks each year, to comply with local planning laws. At least two of these weeks must be taken during the months April to September. All times out must be taken in periods no less than seven consecutive days. You must inform the Site Officer when your boat is departing and returning by calling into the office before departing and upon returning to sign the time out sheet. Please remember to transfer all electricity credit from your pedestal onto your electric card before leaving.
9. Use of the Northampton Marina address for receiving postal correspondence and for electoral registration purposes is restricted to occupants of full-residential mooring berths and for their personal use only. Temporary post handling facilities, using the marina as a “care of’” address, for short periods will be permitted only with the prior approval of the Marina Site officer.
10. You must not use Northampton Marina to receive correspondence in respect of any business/company that you have, nor as the registered address for any such business or company.
11. When vacating your mooring at the end of your mooring contract you must provide us with your forwarding address.
12. Licensees and their visitors must not over-stay the strict 30 minutes short-stay parking arrangements which apply to the Marina’s allocated parking spaces within Becket’s Park. This area should be used only for loading and unloading purposes. Parking elsewhere within the Park is strictly forbidden; this includes the vicinity of the blue footbridge between the Park and the Marina. All vehicles should use the nearby public car parking facilities for longer stays.
13. All walkways and pontoons must be kept clear, tidy and safe at all times. No trailing cables, hoses, mooring ropes, items of boats’ gear, fittings or equipment, supplies, stores or the like must be left upon the jetties and pontoons. The only exception is mobility vehicles, the exact location of which to be agreed with the Site Officer.
14. You must comply at all times with the instructions on use of the water and electrical supply printed on the pedestals at your mooring berth. Hosepipes must not be left connected to the water tap when not in use; this is a strict requirement of the water provider.
15. Fuel and oil kept on board must be stored safely and securely and in accordance with Boat Safety Scheme advice and requirements. Fuel and oil must only be transported in approved containers and the Environment Agency reserves the right to refuse the use of any containers deemed to be unfit for purpose. Containers must not be left on jetties, pontoons or any vessel in such a way as deemed unsafe by the Site Officer. Any spillages of fuel or oil must be reported to the Site Officer immediately.
16. All boats must be kept clean, tidy, in reasonable repair and maintained in accordance with the Boat Safety Scheme. All items stored on boat roofs must be stored securely and ‘wind proof’. Electrical equipment used by berth holders or their visitors must comply with current British Standards and Regulations. All cables, plugs and equipment connected to the socket outlets on the pedestals are the responsibility of the berth holder.
17. No work, other than minor repairs and maintenance, is to be carried out on any vessel within the marina. Hot works are prohibited, including the use of grinders, chainsaws and similar equipment. For further advice please speak to the Site Officer.
18. The pumping out of contaminated bilge water and use of sea toilets in the marina is not permitted.
19. All berth holders should familiarise themselves with the marina’s fire safety precautions and evacuation procedures. This information is contained within your Information Pack and is also available on request from the Site Officer.
20. All incidents or accidents must be immediately reported to the Site Officer. All reports will be treated with the strictest confidence.
21. The Facilities Building is a non-smoking area. Smoking and the use of vaporisers and electronic cigarettes is not permitted inside or within 3 metres of the facilities building.
22. Please leave all facilities (laundry, washrooms, showers, toilets, elsan) as you would wish to find them, clean and useable. Please report any problems or defects to the Site Officer immediately.
23. To maintain site security please ensure that the gate is fully closed when entering or leaving. If you suspect that an unauthorised person has entered site please do not challenge them but report this to the Site Officer immediately.
24. All dogs must be kept on a lead and under control at all times. Licensees will be held fully responsible for any damage or injury to persons or property within the boundaries of the marina caused by domestic pets under their control or supervision. We do not permit dogs or other animals to be tied up on mooring pontoons.
25. Please clear up after your pet and dispose of their excrement in the dog bins provided around the site.
26. No animals, except assistance dogs, are allowed within the facilities building.
27. No marina user shall feed, intimidate, aggravate or carry out any act of cruelty on the wildlife within the marina. No marina user shall interfere with any of the systems that the Environment Agency uses to manage the wildlife within the marina.
28. No fishing or swimming is allowed within the marina.
29. No camping is allowed within the marina, public area or on the island adjacent to Northampton Lock.
30. The flying of drones or other similar unmanned craft over or within the marina will only be allowed with the permission of the Site Officer and must comply with drone flying law.
31. Bicycles must not be ridden on the floating pontoons or walkways.
32. No ball games are allowed within the marina.
33. The use of BBQs is restricted to the designated area on the south side of the marina only. Please leave the BBQs clean and tidy, as you would expect to find them, for the next user.
34. Outside of normal working hours the Duty Officer Phone number is for emergencies only.
35. We reserve the right to move and relocate any vessel within the marina as necessary.
We reserve the right to update and amend these rules at any time. Changes will become effective upon the site rules being displayed on the Notice Boards or other prominent place within the marina, or communicated to Licensees in writing.